Chamber Members, we have some exciting news for you! As you know, Chamber of Commerce Mountain View has always made advocating on your behalf a top priority.
Today, we are pleased to announce that we have procured a new web-based technology that will inform and empower our advocacy efforts like never before. This enhancement to our website will keep all of us apprised of legislative developments on the federal, state and local levels. Soon, we’ll be able to receive breaking news and respond with a new level of effectiveness.
In our experience, a team working together always achieves much more than just a few people working separately. Nowhere is this truer than in trying to impact legislation at the federal, state and local levels.
Our new grassroots advocacy portal will give you a loud and clear voice on policy issues that affect you, your family or business. It creates tremendous efficiencies for the Chamber and allows us to affect legislation more effectively than ever, which furthers our joint mission. By working together, our voices will be heard by decision makers BEFORE they are ready to act. In the coming days, we’ll be sending more details about our new advocacy portal’s features and benefits, how you can participate and why your participation is critical to our ongoing advocacy efforts.