Our opportunity for more effective advocacy has arrived!
Our new “Votility give us a Voice” advocacy platform is up and running on our Chamber Membership Portal! Below, you will see the link that will take you to your account. Before you click the link, let us tell you a little more.
Rest assured, The Chamber of Commerce, through the BIPP (Business Issues & Public Policy) Committee, will continue to lead the advocacy effort on your behalf, keeping you apprised of legislative efforts that affect all of us and making our membership’s concerns known.
However, there will be times that we will need you to engage in the advocacy effort to help us achieve our shared goals. Your involvement, when we need it, will be critical to our efforts and will only take a minute or two of your time. It will accelerate our ability to achieve our shared legislative vision.
When you click the link below, you’ll be able to:
See, Vote and Comment on pending legislation
Write letters and emails directly to representatives
Share information about bills with your social networks
See others’ comments and ‘LIKE’ them, so we can include the best comments in our report to legislators
Through your participation, we’ll also be able to:
Measure member sentiment on pending legislation in nearly real-time
Aggregate member sentiment in district by district reports
Send that member sentiment to specific Representatives ahead of their votes on pending legislation
We recognize that you may not always be able to attend a City Council meeting in person, but through this new system- you will be able to be engaged in a proactive manner, we can affect legislation on two fronts and, by working together, we’ll be able to impact the legislative process like never before and truly get the voice of the business community heard.
To access and manage your account, please click on this link and let’s continue our relationship by to work together on advocacy issues that affect us all!